
Monday, September 19, 2005

Where does the time go? 

It's been so long since my last post...sorry about that.
Tysen is now talking up a storm...his most common phrases are "get down (while standing up on top of the table), sit down, said no, put it back, airplane (while pointing up), dog, moo, cow, neigh (while pointing at the neighbor's horses), quack, me up". He of course also says the standards (mama, dada, nana, grandpa, lexi, gabi, balloon, ball, no, more, milk, etc). He has a great vocabulary for his age. He has been starting to copy everyone (which means you have to watch what you say!).

One or our neighbors has a dog that constantly barks (no matter what they do - he has a bark collar). The other day he was barking and Tysen was standing on our side of the fence saying "no...no...no" to him (it's wire horse fencing that you can see through). Of course this just made him bark louder - it was quite comical. Tysen was saying "no" with all the attitude he could muster - even clenching his fists and raising up his arms to emphasize his point...still to no avail. It was so cute.

On a different note - we will be moving at the end of October. We've bought a slightly bigger 1 1/2 storey house (2200 sf on the top two floors). It is also in the same neighborhood as my parents, so that will be nice. It is in walking distance of schools, parks, shopping, etc. We take possession on the 28th. We sold our house (in 8 days!) for our asking price, so we lose possession of this house on the same day (ack - we'll have to move quickly). Hopefully the transition won't be too hard on Tysen (he's currently sleeping 12 hours a night, we'd like to keep it that way!)

I will post up our September pictures soon.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Birthday Pictures... 

...are up.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Happy Birthday Baby! 

Our little man is one year old. Wow!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Little Adorable You 

My child is adorable. So adorable I have a hard time not squeezing him and kissing him all the time. Luckily he's still at an age where he enjoys this. I think it will be so hard when he gets older and this isn't "cool" anymore.
I've added more pictures. I was lazy and didn't title them all, so hopefully you can figure them out for yourself.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

There He Goes! 

Tysen's walking. He started about two weeks ago - just a step here and there. Then about a week ago I was reading on the couch and he was playing on the floor...until he got up (using the table) and walked clear across the room!! Now he walks everywhere, which means that he's not happy to just sit in a cart or stroller.
So shopping trips have become much more interesting and much longer! Now he pulls the chocolate bars off the shelf when we wait in line and takes off on me when I'm trying to decide on something - such fun! Of course, all he has to do is give me his little mischievious grin and I let him do what he wants. I'm such a pushover.
Other news on the homefront: We still might be moving. We haven't decided for sure yet, we're going to see what his current company will offer him. It would be an interesting change, but we would leave most our friends and family behind. In any case, I've decided to stay at home with Tysen for now - I'm enjoying it too much to go back to work.

Friday, May 13, 2005

More new picture... 

I've been busy...but here's a quick update..
Tysen is almost walking - he's taking 5-6 steps on his own and venturing further everyday.
He now has five teeth and a sixth is coming.
The day before Mother's Day he walked over to me and said "Mama"!!! The best present I got for Mother's Day. Of course...it lasted about two days before he started saying "Dada" all the time instead.
We might be moving. My hubby got a really good job offer in Edmonton, AB. So we are considering it...I will let you know when we have made a decision.
More picture have been posted!

Monday, April 11, 2005

New Pictures 

I've added my March picture to the links on the side, so take a look!

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