
Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A Trip to the Pool 

Yesterday I took Tysen swimming for the first time. He really enjoyed it...right up until I dunked him (we'd been in the water for about 30mins at this point). Then he cried for 20 minutes and we had to leave. So I guess I won't do that again! He seems fine - no permanent damage I'm sure (boy did I feel mean!)
Last night he went to bed at 9pm and slept until 5:30am!! He only woke up once but went back down when I put his soother back in. After a bottle at 5:30am he slept until 9am. Hopefully this is a trend that will continue (he's been sleeping about 6hours for a week).

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Busy Little Boy 

I've added some more pics to the album (click on his pic to the left). He's now into playing with his ultra saucer and going in the jolly jumper. He's just so adorable. I just can't stop taking pictures - I'm sooo behind in my scrapbooking!!
He's started talking a lot. Whenever I talk to him he babbles right back at me - to anyone who will listen to his coos. He's also started giggling. It's so precious.
Thanks to the help of cereal in his bottle before bed - he's starting to fill out. He has a cute little belly that is starting to hang over his pants!

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