
Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas Everyone! 

And a Happy New Year. What a year it has been! Tysen is growing so fast..I can't wait to see what the new year will bring!

His newest feat is wonderful - he can now hold his own bottle and feed himself. This comes in wonderful at 5am when it's time for his bottle! I now just hand it to him in his crib; He drinks it all and then puts his soother in and goes back to sleep! It's great!

I wish everyone all the best for their holidays..may this be the year that all your wishes come true!
With Love,
Tysen, Erin & Glenn

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Ouch...that hurts 

Tysen got a tooth! And while this is very exciting for me...it's pretty painful for him. His poor little cheeks are so red and he's chewing on anything he can get to his mouth. He stopped eating solids for a couple of days..but is back into food. He only gained 10 oz this month and grew 1 cm. (He is now 19lbs 12oz and 28 inches long)
Tysen did so well at his 6 mos. shots! He actually cried more when I was getting his jacket on to leave (he was playing with the toys and didn't want to go). He's such an adorable little boy...it almost makes me want to cry sometimes.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Another Milestone... 

Tysen can now sit up unassisted! He usually lasts about 5-7 mins before he reaches too far for a toy or is distracted and topples over. It's so amazing to see the development! I guess the next step will be crawling.

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