
Monday, February 28, 2005

And He's Off... 

Crawling that is. Everywhere. Into Everything. He went from only going backwards or rolling or dragging to crawling and pulling himself up on his knees. He can now bounce up and down on his knees, without holding onto anything, without falling. Suddenly there are so many more things he can reach...yikes!
It's so cute though, he's so excited to just move around at his own will.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Eight Months on Saturday 

Where does the time go? It seems like it was just last week that we were going to the hospital to have him! It's been so amazing...every day brings something new.

Tysen really wants to walk. He stands up whenever he can get a good enough hold on somebody / something. He tries to let go of my hands when I'm helping him walk - he wants to do it himself. He can stand for about one second before he topples, but everyday it seems he's a bit stronger. He's getting around really well now - not really crawling, more of dragging and pushing and spinning himself around. But he sure goes places!

I've posted some new pictures!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Do You Ever Wonder... 

...what babies dream about? Our ritual of late has been for Tysen to come into our bed when Glenn gets up for the day. He usually talks to Glenn until he has left and then he snuggles down and goes back to sleep with me. This morning I woke up when I felt him wiggling a bit (assuming it was almost time to get up). Actually he was dreaming. He wiggled his fingers and legs, and actually started laughing (full-out, loud, laughing). It was so adorable. Even if I don't know what he was dreaming about...I'm glad that it was something happy.

Tysen discovered a new sound this morning. While eating his cheerios (when I say eating I mean that 1 out of 5 actually ends up in his mouth) he managed to smack his lips - making a delightful new sound. When he discovered that he could do this at will - he did. Thus quite a few of the cheerios that made it into his mouth were spit back out while the lip smacking went on. Breakfast took a little longer this morning...but was definitely worth the entertainment value.

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